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Title: Fixing cruise control not working in Toyota Corolla?
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My 2016 Corolla’s cruise control suddenly stopped working, and it’s been driving me nuts, especially on long trips where I really rely on it to make the drive more comfortable. It used to work perfectly fine, but now it just won’t engage at all. I’m not sure what’s causing it, and I’m wondering if this is something other Corolla owners have dealt with.

I’m hoping it’s something simple, like a blown fuse or a loose connection, but I’m also worried it could be a more complicated issue involving the cruise control switch, the brake light switch, or even the wiring. I’ve read that sometimes these problems can be linked to other systems in the car, so I’m trying to figure out the best place to start troubleshooting.

Has anyone else experienced their cruise control suddenly quitting on them? If so, what ended up being the problem? Did you manage to fix it yourself, or did you need to take it to a mechanic? I’d really appreciate any tips or advice on where to start looking, or if there are any common issues with the cruise control system in this model. I’d love to get it working again before my next long drive.

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