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Title: What does the p0420 error code mean for my Toyota Corolla?
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I’ve got an error code P0420 showing up on my 2014 Corolla’s dash, and I’m not entirely sure what it means or what’s causing it. From what I’ve gathered, it seems to be related to the catalytic converter or the oxygen sensors, but I’m not really sure how to diagnose it properly or what the next steps should be.

Has anyone else run into this P0420 code with their Corolla? If so, what ended up being the issue—was it the catalytic converter, an oxygen sensor, or something else entirely? And more importantly, how did you go about fixing it? Did you have to replace parts, or was there a simpler solution like cleaning or reprogramming something?

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What does the p0420 error code mean for my Toyota Corolla? - by Nicko - 08-30-2024, 11:58 AM

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