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Title: Symptoms of a bad master cylinder in a Toyota Corolla
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Hey everyone, I’ve been noticing that the brake pedal in my Toyota Corolla (2010 model) feels a bit soft, and sometimes it even sinks closer to the floor when I press on it. I’m starting to get worried that it could be the master cylinder going bad. I haven’t seen any obvious fluid leaks, but I haven’t checked too thoroughly yet. For those of you who have dealt with a bad master cylinder, what were the signs you noticed before replacing it? Did your brakes start feeling spongy, or was there anything else I should be on the lookout for? Also, how urgent is it to get this fixed – can I still drive it for a while, or should I head to the mechanic ASAP? Any advice would be really helpful!

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Symptoms of a bad master cylinder in a Toyota Corolla - by v8ismyheart - 09-13-2024, 03:27 PM

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