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Title: Serpentine Belt Diagram for 2015 Toyota Corolla
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(09-03-2024, 02:21 PM)iloveanycar Wrote: Hey guys, does anyone have a serpentine belt diagram for a 2015 Toyota Corolla? My belt’s been squeaking like crazy, and I’m pretty sure it’s time to change it. I’d appreciate any help, especially if you have a diagram. Thanks!

Oh man, that squeaky belt sound is the worst—it’s like your car’s trying to sing but forgot the lyrics, lol. 😅 You're right, if it's squeaking that much, it's probably time to swap it out before it snaps and leaves you stranded.

Now, I don’t have the exact diagram to post here, but I can walk you through it real quick based on the setup for the 2015 Corolla. You’ve got your serpentine belt running across the alternator, power steering pump, water pump, and crankshaft pulley. It should loop in a kinda “S” shape around those pulleys. If you still have the old belt on, you can use it as a guide while you’re pulling it off.

When you do the swap, make sure to check the tensioner pulley too. If it’s worn out, even a new belt will squeak like a door in a horror movie. And if you need that diagram ASAP, a lot of parts stores have them online if you punch in your year and model. You can also find it in the manual if you still have it lying around.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Serpentine Belt Diagram for 2015 Toyota Corolla - by Nicko - 09-20-2024, 08:41 AM

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