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Title: What is the 0-60 time for a 2021 Toyota Corolla?
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Hey folks! I’ve been wondering, what’s the 0-60 time for a Toyota Corolla? Specifically, I’m driving a 2021 Corolla with the 1.8L engine, and it feels a bit sluggish off the line. I know it’s not built for speed, but I’m curious how fast it really is when you put your foot down. From what I’ve read, it’s supposed to hit 0-60 in around 9 seconds, but I haven’t timed it myself. Anyone here tested theirs or got some real-world numbers? Also, does it make a difference if you’ve got the 2.0L engine? I’m debating if upgrading to that would make it more fun to drive. Share your experiences, guys!

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What is the 0-60 time for a 2021 Toyota Corolla? - by iloveanycar - 09-05-2024, 02:16 PM

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