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Title: What is the gas tank capacity of a 2020 Toyota Corolla with the 1.8L engine?
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I’ve been trying to keep better track of my fuel stops, but I keep forgetting the exact gas tank capacity of my 2020 Toyota Corolla with the 1.8L engine. Does anyone know the official number offhand? I think it's around 13 gallons, but I’m not 100% sure. Also, I’m curious if any of you have noticed a difference in how much range you get depending on your driving conditions (city vs. highway). I usually drive a mix of both, and it seems like my range fluctuates more than I expected. Do you guys find that you can stretch out a tank of gas, or does the fuel economy drop more when you’re stuck in city traffic? Would love to hear your thoughts!

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What is the gas tank capacity of a 2020 Toyota Corolla with the 1.8L engine? - by iloveanycar - 09-05-2024, 02:21 PM

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