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Title: Are 275 vs 285 tires a good fit for a Toyota Corolla?
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I decided to try upgrading the tires on my 2018 Toyota Corolla and was debating between 275 and 285 sizes. Let me tell you, it’s definitely an aggressive look, but not exactly practical for a car like the Corolla. First off, those tires are really wide. I mean, they look cool if you’re going for that sporty, beefed-up appearance, but you can feel the impact on the handling. The car feels a bit sluggish, and my fuel economy definitely took a hit. I used to get pretty solid MPG, but with these wider tires, I’m stopping at the gas station way more often. And let's be real, no one drives a Corolla for the fuel-guzzling experience, right?

On top of that, the ride isn’t as smooth as it used to be. I’ve noticed the car doesn’t handle tight corners as well anymore—it feels like I’m fighting the steering wheel a bit. It’s kinda fun if you like living on the edge, but for daily driving? Not so much. I actually ended up going back to a size closer to stock after a few weeks because it just wasn’t worth the trade-offs for me. If you’re thinking about going with 275 or 285 tires on your Corolla, I’d suggest really considering how you use the car. If it’s mostly for commuting and everyday driving, you might want to stick with something more practical. Unless, of course, you’re ready for the gas bills and a bit of a wrestling match with the steering on those sharp turns!

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