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Title: Best spoiler options for a Toyota Corolla hatchback?
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Looking to add some flair to my Corolla hatchback! 😎 I've been thinking about getting a spoiler for a while now, but there are so many options out there, and I'm not really sure where to start. I definitely want something that adds a sporty touch, but nothing too crazy—don’t want to look like I’m trying to turn my Corolla into a race car or anything. 😂

For those of you who’ve added a spoiler, what have you gone with? I’ve seen some low-profile ones that look pretty clean, but then there are the bigger ones that stand out more. Do you guys think it’s worth going aftermarket or should I stick with Toyota’s OEM options? Also, is installation a nightmare, or is this something I can do myself without drilling holes in the wrong spots?

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