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Title: How much weight can I safely put in the trunk of a Toyota Corolla?
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I’ve got a 2018 Toyota Corolla LE, and I’m gearing up for a long road trip soon. I’ll be packing up a ton of stuff in the trunk—luggage, camping gear, maybe even a cooler—and I’m starting to wonder how much weight is too much. I definitely don’t want to overload the car and mess up the suspension or handling, especially since I’ll be driving for hours on end.

From what I’ve read, the official cargo limit is around 850 lbs, but that includes passengers too, so I’m trying to figure out how much I can realistically throw in the trunk without pushing the car too hard. I’ve got a couple of passengers with me, so I need to factor in their weight too. Has anyone loaded up their Corolla for a big trip? How much weight did you put in the trunk, and did you notice any impact on how the car drove? I’d love to hear from anyone who’s packed their Corolla to the brim without any issues (or with issues I should be aware of 😅).

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