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Title: Heater hose diagram for 2008 Toyota Corolla 1.8 engine
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I’m having some trouble with the heater in my 2008 Toyota Corolla with the 1.8L engine, and I’m starting to think that the issue might be with the heater hoses. Lately, the heater hasn’t been working as it should—either it’s blowing cool air when it should be warm, or it takes forever to heat up. With winter just around the corner, I really need to get this sorted out before the temperatures drop.

I’ve done some basic checks, like making sure the coolant level is good and that there aren’t any obvious leaks, but I’m not sure where to go from here. I suspect that one of the heater hoses might be clogged, leaking, or disconnected, but I’m not exactly sure how to identify which hose is which or where they’re all located in the engine bay.

Does anyone have a heater hose diagram for a 2008 Corolla with the 1.8L engine? Even if you don’t have a diagram, I’d appreciate any advice on where to start looking or common issues with the heater hoses in this model. Are there specific hoses that are more prone to issues? Also, if you’ve dealt with a similar problem, what was your fix? I’m hoping it’s something I can tackle myself without having to take it into the shop. Any help would be awesome—thanks in advance!

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