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Title: How fast can a 2004 Toyota Corolla with the 1.8L engine go from 0-60?
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So, I’ve got a 2004 Toyota Corolla with the 1.8L 4-cylinder engine (the good ol’ 1ZZ-FE), and I’m genuinely curious—how fast can this thing go from 0-60? I know we’re not talking sports car numbers here, but I’ve been itching to see how it performs. I mean, sure, it’s no rocket ship, but for a daily driver, I’m wondering what kind of times others are getting.

Has anyone out there actually timed it? I’m thinking about taking mine out for a quick test, but I’m not expecting anything crazy. I’ve seen mixed numbers online, so I’d love to hear from someone who’s actually done it. Do you guys notice any big differences in acceleration depending on the weight in the car or how hard you push it? Also, is it even worth it to time a car like this, or am I just setting myself up for disappointment?

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