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Title: What is the top speed of a Toyota Corolla?
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Alright, so maybe I shouldn’t be asking this, but... does anyone know what the actual top speed of a Toyota Corolla is? I’ve got the 1.8L inline-4 engine in my '18 Corolla, and I’ve taken it up to around 75 mph (120 km/h) on the autobahn. Honestly, it felt like it still had a little more power to give, but I wasn’t sure how far I should push it. I know it’s not a sports car, but has anyone here pushed theirs to the limit? What’s the max you’ve hit? Also, I heard the top speed might vary based on the engine type – any truth to that? Trying to figure out if I’m missing out on some hidden power or if my Corolla’s already maxed out. Let me know, fellow Corolla racers!

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