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Title: How to fix a tail light on a Toyota Corolla?
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One of my tail lights on my 2015 Corolla is completely out, and I’m hoping to avoid a trip to the mechanic by fixing it myself. Thing is, I’ve never replaced a tail light before, so I’m not sure where to even begin. From what I’ve heard, it’s supposed to be a fairly easy fix, but knowing my luck, I’ll probably break something if I don’t do it right, lol. 

Does anyone know the step-by-step process for changing a tail light on a Corolla? Do I need to buy special tools, or is it as simple as popping off the cover and swapping the bulb? I’ve seen some people mention removing part of the trunk liner, and that sounds like a hassle. Any tips or things to watch out for would be awesome. Also, should I replace both sides at once, or is just fixing the one that’s out okay?

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