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Title: Why does my Toyota Corolla's AC compressor shut off after 2-3 minutes?
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So, I’ve been having this super frustrating issue with my 2011 Toyota Corolla’s AC. Every time I turn it on, the AC works perfectly for about 2-3 minutes, blowing nice cold air. But then, out of nowhere, the compressor shuts off, and it stops cooling. After a few minutes, it kicks back on, but the cycle just repeats—on, off, on, off. It’s driving me nuts, especially with the summer heat!

I’m wondering if it could be something simple like low refrigerant or a clogged filter, but I’m also worried it might be a more serious problem with the compressor itself or maybe the pressure switch. I haven’t noticed any leaks, and the fan seems to be working fine. Has anyone else had this happen to their Corolla? If so, what ended up being the issue? I’d love some advice before I start spending money on repairs that might not even solve the problem!

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