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Title: My Toyota Corolla jerks when braking – what could be causing this?
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So, I’ve got this 2016 Toyota Corolla, and recently I’ve noticed that whenever I brake, the car jerks forward in a really uncomfortable way. It doesn’t happen all the time, but it’s becoming more frequent. It’s like the brakes aren’t catching smoothly, and the car sort of lurches when I come to a stop. I’m getting a bit worried because I’m not sure if it’s the brakes themselves, something with the transmission, or maybe even something else entirely.

I had my brake pads replaced not too long ago, so I’m thinking it might not be the pads, but I guess they could still be wearing unevenly? Or could it be something like the rotors being warped? I’ve read a bit online and some people mention the possibility of air in the brake lines, but I’m not sure how to check that.

Has anyone else had this issue with their Corolla? I really don’t want this to get worse, especially with winter coming up and the roads getting slick. Should I get it checked out ASAP, or is there something I can try on my own first? Would appreciate any advice before I take it to the shop!

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