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Title: My Toyota Corolla pulls to the right when braking. What could be the issue?
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I’ve got a 2014 Toyota Corolla with the 1.8L engine, and I’ve been noticing a pretty annoying issue lately. Every time I hit the brakes, the car pulls slightly to the right. It’s not a huge pull, but enough to where I have to constantly adjust the steering wheel to keep the car straight, which gets frustrating, especially at higher speeds.

I already had the alignment checked a couple of months ago, so I don’t think it’s that. The tires are wearing evenly, so I don’t think that’s the culprit either. I’m starting to wonder if it could be something with the brakes themselves, like a sticking caliper or maybe an issue with the brake pads on one side. I’ve read that if one side’s brakes are worn down more than the other, it could cause the car to pull when braking.

Has anyone dealt with this on their Corolla? I’d prefer to avoid a trip to the mechanic if it’s something I can diagnose or fix at home. Any advice on what I should check first? Should I look at the brake pads, or could it be something more serious like a caliper issue? I appreciate any help—I’m trying to keep costs low, but safety is obviously a priority!

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