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Title: What could cause my Toyota Corolla to not shift out of park?
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Ugh, I had the worst morning today! My Corolla just decided it didn’t want to shift out of park, and I was stuck in my driveway for a solid 20 minutes. I tried everything—pushing the brake harder, wiggling the shifter—but nothing worked. I was just sitting there like, “Come on, car, don’t do this to me!”

Eventually, I had to Google how to use the manual override, and thank goodness that worked, but now I’m worried it’s going to happen again. I’m thinking it might be the brake switch, which apparently is a common issue, but part of me wonders if it’s some weird electrical gremlin. I’m kinda freaking out because I know if it’s something electrical, it could get expensive fast. Has anyone else had this happen to their Corolla? I’d love to hear if it was an easy fix or if I’m looking at an expensive trip to the mechanic. Any advice would help!

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