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Title: How do I check the DRL system on a Toyota Corolla?
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Hey everyone, I’ve got a “Check DRL system” warning light popping up on my Corolla, and I’m not sure where to start. I know it could be something simple like the bulbs being out, but I wanted to ask for some advice before I go digging into it. Has anyone else had this issue? How exactly do I check the DRL system to see if the bulbs are the problem?

I’ve read that you can just pop the hood and take a look at the lights, but I’m not super confident about messing with it myself without knowing what to look for. Do I need to take the whole headlight assembly apart, or can I just inspect the bulbs from the outside? Also, if it’s not the bulbs, what else could be causing the warning light to come on?

Should I try replacing the bulbs myself or is this one of those things where it’s better to have a shop look at it? Would appreciate any step-by-step advice from anyone who’s dealt with this before! Thanks!

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