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Title: What is the gas mileage of a 2020 Toyota Corolla with the 2.0L engine?
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I’ve been keeping an eye on my gas mileage lately, and with my 2020 Toyota Corolla equipped with the 2.0L engine, I’m averaging around 32 MPG, which seems pretty decent. I’ve heard some people are getting better numbers though—what’s everyone else seeing with the 2.0L? I’m wondering if my driving style is playing a role here because I tend to have a bit of a lead foot at times 😅.

I’m also guilty of not checking my tire pressure as often as I should, so maybe that’s affecting my mileage too. Does anyone have tips for squeezing out a few extra MPG? I’ve tried being lighter on the gas pedal, but I’m not seeing a big difference. Are there any other tweaks I should be considering, like using different types of fuel or sticking to certain speeds on the highway?

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