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Title: What are the best floor mats for a 2020 Toyota Corolla?
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I’m looking to upgrade the floor mats in my 2020 Toyota Corolla, and I could use some advice. The stock mats have done okay, but after a couple of winters and a lot of road trips, they’re looking pretty worn out. I need something that can handle mud, snow, dirt—basically anything that gets tracked in, especially during the rainy and snowy months. I’ve been checking out a few options online, but it’s hard to tell what’s actually going to hold up long-term.

So, what do you guys recommend? Rubber mats seem like the obvious choice for durability and easy cleaning, but I’ve heard some people swear by carpet mats for a more premium look and feel. Has anyone here tried WeatherTech or Husky liners? Are they worth the price? Or are there any other brands I should be looking at? I want something that won’t slide around and will protect the carpet underneath. Any advice from fellow Corolla owners who’ve found the perfect balance between durability and looks would be really helpful!

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