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Title: What engines are compatible for a swap in a Toyota Corolla?
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Hey folks, I’m looking into swapping out the engine in my Corolla but don't want to end up with a Frankenstein that won't start!  Blush Has anyone here done an engine swap in their Toyota Corolla? What engines are actually compatible?

I’ve heard mixed things about the 1.8L swap, but I’ve also seen some people going for the 2ZZ-GE for more performance. I’m leaning towards keeping it as close to stock as possible because I want it to be reliable (this car is my daily driver), but if there’s a solid upgrade that doesn’t involve endless mods, I’m open to ideas. I’ve also read that some folks have swapped in the 2AR-FE from the Camry—does that fit without major headaches?

Any advice on what’s the most straightforward engine swap would be awesome. Plus, if anyone’s had success with a turbo build or even an electric motor conversion, I’d be interested to hear about that too! I’m all ears—just don’t want this project to end up as a money pit or a total failure!

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