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Title: Where can I get a key made for my Toyota Corolla using the VIN number?
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So, I lost the only key to my 2014 Toyota Corolla (yeah, I know... I messed up), and now I’m scrambling to figure out how to get a replacement made using the VIN number. I’ve heard that it’s possible, but I’m not sure where to start. Can I just head to a dealership with my VIN, or is there another, maybe cheaper, option? I’m guessing I’ll need proof of ownership and probably my ID, but what else should I bring with me? 

Also, any idea on how much this is gonna cost at the dealership versus going to a locksmith? I’ve heard locksmiths can do it too, and maybe for less, but I don’t know if they’ll use the VIN or if that’s just a dealership thing. Has anyone else gone through this? Would love some advice before I drop a ton of money on this.

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