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Title: Where can I find a body kit for the Toyota Corolla S?
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Hey all, I’ve been thinking about upgrading the look of my Toyota Corolla S (it’s a 2015 model), and I’m on the hunt for a body kit that gives it a sporty vibe without going too wild. I want it to stand out, but not scream 'race car wannabe,' if you know what I mean.

Anyone have recommendations on where to find a quality body kit? I’ve checked out a few websites, but I’m not sure if they’re legit or if the kits are worth the price. Should I be looking for something custom-made, or are there good pre-made options that fit well? Also, how tricky is the installation? I’m okay with basic car mods, but I’ve never installed a body kit before. Is it something I can do in my garage with a friend, or should I take it to a shop? Any tips on brands, fitment, or installation would be super helpful!

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