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Title: Why is my Toyota Corolla’s steering wheel locked up while parked?
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Alright, so I’ve got a bit of a problem with my 2013 Toyota Corolla. Yesterday, I parked it like I normally do, but when I went to start it again, the steering wheel was completely locked. I can’t turn it at all, and the ignition won’t turn either, which is pretty frustrating. I’ve tried jiggling the steering wheel back and forth while turning the key, like people online suggest, but still no luck. It’s like the whole thing is stuck.

I know some cars have a feature where the steering wheel locks as a security measure when the car is parked, but I’m starting to wonder if this is just that, or if something is actually broken. I haven’t had any other issues with the car lately—no strange noises or warning lights—so I’m hoping it’s not something major.

Has anyone else had this happen? Is there a trick I’m missing here to unlock the steering wheel, or do I need to call a mechanic? It’s pretty inconvenient, and I’m hoping I can fix it myself without having to spend a ton of money. Any advice would be appreciated!

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