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Title: Why does my Toyota Corolla brake light stay on even when I'm not braking?
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Hey folks, I've noticed the brake light on my Corolla won’t turn off even when I'm not touching the brake, and it's really starting to bug me. It's like every time I glance at the dashboard, that red light is just staring back at me.  Shy I’m worried people behind me might think I’m constantly braking!

I did a bit of Googling, and it seems like it could be a stuck brake switch. Some people say it might also be related to low brake fluid, but my fluid levels seem fine. Could it be something electrical? I’m hoping it’s not too serious because I really don’t want to take it to the shop unless I have to. Has anyone else had this happen to their Corolla? Would love to know how you fixed it or if there are any easy DIY solutions before I shell out for a mechanic. Thanks in advance for any tips or suggestions!

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