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Title: Toyota Corolla windshield wiper not moving: How to troubleshoot?
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So I’m dealing with this really frustrating issue on my 2017 Corolla: the windshield wipers just stopped moving out of nowhere. The weird thing is, I can still hear the motor humming, so it seems like it’s trying to work, but the wipers themselves won’t budge. I tried the classic “smack the blades” method (don’t judge me, lol), but that didn’t do anything. Could this be a linkage issue, or is there something else I should be looking into? 

The weather's been pretty rough lately, and it’s not exactly safe to drive without wipers in the rain. I’ve checked the fuse, and that seems fine. Should I be looking at the wiper arms or maybe the motor itself? If anyone else has had this happen to their Corolla, I’d love to hear what you did to fix it. Thanks in advance!

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