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Title: How do I replace the fuel pump on a 2013 Toyota Corolla?
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I think my fuel pump just gave up the ghost on my 2013 Corolla. It's been acting up for the past week—stalling out randomly when I’m on the road and now it won’t start at all. After doing some basic checks, I’m almost sure it’s the fuel pump.

I’m not the most experienced when it comes to major car repairs, but I can handle a wrench for basic stuff. That said, I’m not sure if the fuel pump is within my skill set or if this is something I should leave to a pro. Has anyone here tackled this job on a 2013 Corolla? I’ve seen videos where you can access the pump through the rear seat, but I’m a bit worried about messing with fuel lines and electrical connections.

If this is a DIY project, can someone walk me through the steps? Like, what do I need in terms of tools, and are there any tricks to avoid making a bigger mess? I’d rather not blow up my car in the process. Also, should I be looking at OEM parts, or are there decent aftermarket pumps that won’t break the bank but will still last? Any advice would be much appreciated!

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