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Title: What causes a water pump weep hole leak in a Toyota Corolla?
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So, I’ve got a 2013 Toyota Corolla LE with the 1.8L engine, and I recently noticed a small coolant leak coming from the weep hole in the water pump. It’s not gushing out, but there’s definitely a slow drip. At first, I thought maybe it was just condensation or something, but after a few days, it’s clear that it’s leaking consistently.

From what I’ve read, the weep hole is there to indicate when the internal seals in the water pump are starting to fail. Apparently, when coolant starts coming out of that hole, it’s usually a sign that the water pump’s on its way out. The engine isn’t overheating yet, and I haven’t noticed any major issues with the coolant level dropping drastically, but I’m starting to worry that this might turn into a bigger problem if I ignore it.

Has anyone else had a water pump leak from the weep hole on their Corolla? How long can I realistically drive with this before it becomes a serious issue? I’m trying to avoid a breakdown or overheating situation on the road, but I also don’t wanna jump the gun and replace the pump if I still have some time. Would appreciate any advice or similar experiences from fellow Corolla owners!

Messages In This Thread
What causes a water pump weep hole leak in a Toyota Corolla? - by iloveanycar - 09-19-2024, 12:28 PM

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