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Title: Orange Fluid Leaking from My Toyota Corolla - What Could It Be?
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Hey all, I’m really concerned—just found a small puddle of orange fluid under my 2010 Toyota Corolla this morning. It seems to be coming from the front, near the engine. I’m totally freaking out here because I have no idea what it could be. I checked the coolant, and it looks like the same color, so maybe it’s that? But the level in the reservoir doesn’t seem to have dropped much.

I haven’t noticed any overheating or warning lights on the dashboard, but the car did seem to run a bit rough yesterday, especially when idling. I’m not sure if it’s related, but it’s got me worried. Could it be a coolant leak, or am I looking at something else, like transmission fluid or something even worse?

Also, is it safe to keep driving until I can get it looked at, or should I park it and call a tow? Any advice on what to check first would be amazing—I really don’t want to cause more damage by driving it. Thanks in advance!

Messages In This Thread
Orange Fluid Leaking from My Toyota Corolla - What Could It Be? - by iloveanycar - 09-03-2024, 02:23 PM

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