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Title: Orange Fluid Leaking from My Toyota Corolla - What Could It Be?
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Hey all, I’m really concerned—just found a small puddle of orange fluid under my 2010 Toyota Corolla this morning. It seems to be coming from the front, near the engine. I’m totally freaking out here because I have no idea what it could be. I checked the coolant, and it looks like the same color, so maybe it’s that? But the level in the reservoir doesn’t seem to have dropped much.

I haven’t noticed any overheating or warning lights on the dashboard, but the car did seem to run a bit rough yesterday, especially when idling. I’m not sure if it’s related, but it’s got me worried. Could it be a coolant leak, or am I looking at something else, like transmission fluid or something even worse?

Also, is it safe to keep driving until I can get it looked at, or should I park it and call a tow? Any advice on what to check first would be amazing—I really don’t want to cause more damage by driving it. Thanks in advance!

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