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Title: Anyone else having Toyota Corolla door lock problems?
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Ugh, my 2008 Corolla has been acting super weird with the door locks lately, and it’s starting to drive me nuts. Some days, they work just fine, but other times, I’ll hit the lock button, and nothing happens. Same thing with unlocking—sometimes they just don’t respond at all. It’s almost like the car has a mind of its own, deciding when it wants to let me in or not.

The worst part is when I’m in a rush, and I have to stand there fiddling with the key fob or manually unlock the doors, which feels so old school. I thought it might be the battery in the key fob, but I changed it, and the problem is still happening. Could it be something electrical? Maybe a fuse or a sensor going bad? I’d rather try some DIY fixes before I take it to the shop and get hit with a bill. Has anyone else run into this, or am I just unlucky with this glitchy door lock situation?

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