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Title: Grinding noise when accelerating my Toyota Corolla – what could it be?
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So, I’ve got this 2014 Toyota Corolla, and recently it started making this awful grinding noise whenever I accelerate, especially when going uphill or when I press the gas harder. At first, I figured it was just the engine working harder—maybe I was just pushing it too much—but now the noise seems to be getting worse. It’s not just a slight noise anymore; it’s loud enough that I can hear it with the windows up, and it’s making me nervous.

I’ve tried a few things so far. I checked the engine oil levels, thinking it might be something simple like low oil, but they were fine. I also peeked under the car to see if there was anything visibly loose, like a heat shield, but nothing stood out. I even tried accelerating more slowly to see if that would help, but the noise still kicks in whenever I go uphill or when the car has to work a bit harder.

Could it be something serious like a transmission issue or a problem with the drivetrain? Maybe a worn-out CV joint? I haven’t noticed any other issues like jerking or loss of power, but the noise is getting harder to ignore. Anyone else run into this with their Corolla? What should I be checking next? I really hope it’s not something super expensive to fix...

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