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Title: What are the symptoms of a bad transmission mount on a Toyota Corolla?
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I’ve been noticing some weird stuff happening with my 2009 Toyota Corolla lately, and I’m starting to think it might be a bad transmission mount. Whenever I accelerate or decelerate, there’s this noticeable clunking noise, almost like something’s shifting around under the car. It’s not super loud, but it’s definitely there. On top of that, I’m feeling more vibrations in the cabin than usual, especially when I’m idling or going over bumps.

From what I’ve read, these could be signs that the transmission mount is worn out or damaged. Has anyone else had these symptoms before? If you’ve had a bad transmission mount, how did you know for sure, and how bad did it get before you fixed it? I don’t want to let this go too long if it’s going to cause more damage, but I’m also not 100% sure if that’s the issue. Would appreciate any advice or experiences with this!

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