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Title: What does the exclamation point on my Toyota Corolla’s steering wheel mean?
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So, I was driving my 2017 Toyota Corolla the other day when I noticed this exclamation point light pop up on the steering wheel. Naturally, I freaked out a little because I have no idea what it means. I checked the manual, but it wasn’t super clear—it just mentioned something vague about the warning system. I’m wondering if this could be something serious, like an airbag issue or maybe the steering lock?

To give some background, I haven’t noticed anything weird while driving. The car feels normal—no weird sounds, the steering is smooth, and the brakes work fine. I double-checked that the emergency brake wasn’t engaged, so it’s not that. I did recently get my tires rotated, but I don’t see how that could be related to the exclamation point.

Has anyone else had this light come on in their Corolla? Is this something I should rush to the dealer for, or is it one of those alerts that might go away after a few drives? I’m hoping it’s just something small, but I don’t want to ignore it if it’s related to safety systems like the airbags. Any advice would be really helpful!

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