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Title: What years are compatible with the Toyota Corolla for parts and upgrades?
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Looking to do some upgrades on my 2015 Corolla, and I’m trying to figure out which years are compatible for parts. I’ve been thinking of hitting up the local junkyard to save some cash, but I don’t want to grab parts that won’t fit or function properly. I’ve heard that a lot of Corolla parts are interchangeable across different years, but I’m not exactly sure which ones.

Does anyone know the range of compatible years for things like suspension, body panels, interior stuff, or even electronics? I’ve seen some people say that anything from 2014 to 2019 should be fine, but I don’t want to take chances without double-checking. Are there certain parts that are more universal, or do I need to be super specific?

Also, if anyone’s done a junkyard run for upgrades or repairs on their Corolla, how’d it go? Did you find any hidden gems, or is it more trouble than it’s worth? Any tips on what parts I should prioritize would be awesome—especially if you’ve had success mixing and matching from different model years!

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